Kathie Odom

Nostalgic Impressionism

Episode 14

Episode length: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Kathie Odom lives in Knoxville, Tennessee – not far from the beautiful Great Smoky Mountain National Park. I first met Kathie and her husband Buddy almost two years ago at the Plein Air Painters of America workshop hosted by the Booth Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. She is an exuberant painter and enthusiastic student of her craft. Kathie’s paintings are filled with light and texture that capture the nostalgia and beauty of homes, buildings, farms and landscapes scattered along smaller, less traveled roads bypassed and unnoticed by hurried motorists barreling down crowded interstates. Her artistic vision helps us slow down and take note of the beauty of wherever she finds it. It’s the landscape near her home that captures her heart. The scenes close to her home are what she yearns to paint.

Kathie’s development as a fine art painter was remarkably fast. She’s only been painting since 2009 – when at the age of 50 – she took her first painting workshop that was a gift from her husband. Ten years later, she was featured on the cover of the January 2019 issue of Southwest Art magazine, and has been published in several other journals. She is a member of the Salmagundi Club, the American Impressionist Society, the Laguna Plein Air Painters Association, the Plein Air Painters of the Southeast, the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville, and Oil Painters of America.

You are in for a treat in this fantastic conversation with Kathie Odom in this episode.

Kathie Odom with her husband, Buddy Odom


Click on the images above for a larger view.

Carl Olson

Artist, photographer, filmmaker, and podcaster.


Virgil Elliott


David Boyd, Jr.